
Verified Supplier | Yishui Yisheng Labor Protection Co.,Ltd.
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Yishui Yisheng Labor Protection Co.,Ltd.
Yishui Yisheng Labor Protection Co.,Ltd.
Brand name
Main products Latex coated gloves,Nitrile coated glove,cotton gloves,pvcdottedgloves,all work gloves
Annual sales USD 90,000,000.00
Date of establishment 2009-06-16
Number of employees 400 Persons
Number of R&D staff 10 Persons
Number of quality inspectors 20 Persons
Area of factory 50000 ㎡
Brief Introduction
Brief Introduction
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Electrical Equipments,Generators,Gas Turbine Generators
Construction Real Estate,Waterproofing Materials
Electrical Equipments,Measurement And Analysis Instruments
Consumer Electronics,Others,Others
Electrical Equipments,Humidifier,Wet Film Humidifier